The Longest Hum, 2022, single-channel HD video, two-channel sound, filmed on Dabee Country, Cementa 22, film stills, 10:00 mins.
On the day of the federal election (21.05.2022) hummers gather on the main street of Kandos (Dabee Country). The hum was broadcast on community radio echoing across the region. This film is a cinematic trace of a live action.
Concept/Direction: Tina Stefanou
Cinemtography: Wil Normyle
Edit/colour: Wil Normyle
Sound: Wil Normyle/Tina Stefanou/Joseph Franklin
Technical Assistance: Kristina Susnjara
Participants featured: Finn Standfield, Gabriel Cremonese, Wendy Williams, Owain James and Cementa22 attendees.
Thank you to the community of Kandos, the North East Wiradjuri cultural centre, Alex Wisser, Gabrielle Bates, and Nina Stromqvist, Virginia Handmer and the Wollemi singers, Finn Standfield, Gabriel Cremonese, Wendy Williams, Owain James, Dianna Rutter and her family of alpacas, Brent Barlow and the team at KRR 98.7 FM, Libby Varcoe, ABC Central West, and the extended Cementa team and volunteers.